Tuesday, October 11, 2016


The Genre I'm going to be writing about is on Skin Care Treatments !!!! The specific treatment I'll be talking about is the formally know famous skin/acne treatment called Proactive. This product has been around since 1995 and let's just say it's not as good as some of us would've though it was. I've done a bit of research and came across many websites that were for the product that weren't  because of its many false advertisements.

             Well the founders of this product had everyone believing that this specific treatment was able to clear blemishes, repair and restore your skin. They also said that after two weeks of using this product  you will see Jurassic results with your skin, however I have read a couple reviews from other helpful websites that enlightened me on this helpful information as well. One website that I retained  great information from is proactivereview.exposedskincare.com . Now proactive is supposed to be this amazing solution that's supposed to have your skin feeling rejuvenated its purpose is to minimize bumps, scars from prior acne blemishes and most importantly to minimize pores. Well lets just say after reading the "REAL" ingredients in proactive they have been selling their products that contain no Salicylic Acid, (unclogs pores) Azelaic Acid, (normalizes skin) etc... This has been a lie !

 Now I have also gathered information from Proactive's own website proactive.com and they have many good review on their products, " REAL LIFE TESTIMONIES". This one lady one there by the name of Christy1 says and I quote " Works Great! I would recommend this to my family and friends" now I'm thinking Christy never went on and read up a little more on what it is that's she putting on her face because if she did I'm almost certain she wouldn't have gave them 4 stars and her comment/review would've went a little something like " THIS PRODUCT SUCKS" LOL. 

     Personally I think this product isn't all that good and I agree 100 percent with the first website because this information came from The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Although they criticized the works of the product they also made great points on the pros and cons of this specific treatment .


  1. Annie!

    What’s happening, sister? Ok, so first thing’s first: “skin care treatment” is not a TEXTUAL GENRE. From what I understand, it’s a beautification method. I need you to focus specifically on a piece of WRITING that is associated with contouring. Ask yourself: what kinds of writing are involved with this activity? The packaging of the product? The advertisements? Various companies’ websites? Users reviews? Magazine “how to” write-ups?
    Here’s another way of putting it: it’s not SKIN CARE TREATMENT that I want you to examine here, so much as HOW PEOPLE WRITE ABOUT contouring. Does that make sense? Hope so!

    Real-life testimonies could definitely be a convention worth analyzing. Some companies use real-life testimonies (a convention) to advertise their products, and some don’t? Interesting! Does this give the company more credibility than the ones that don’t? Why or why not? You could also observe some patterns within the testimonials themselves—what do people tend to say in these testimonials? What makes one testimonial different than another?
    The # of stars and users’ comments are also convention—do all company’s offer that? What does it say about a company if they’re willing to let people write/post reviews on their website?

    All told, this is a good start, Annie, I just want to make sure you’re focusing on 1 specific genre. The major question here is: what are some common textual conventions/ingredients/patterns of this particular type of writing? What *in the writing* is observable? I think your next major step is to back up your claims by helping me to SEE what you want me to see. The best way to do that is to call my (and other readers’) attention to actual slices of language that you think represent something important.

    In ENG 101-108, I’m trying to train you to become super-observant so that you can get down to the nittiest of details and adhere (if that’s what you want to do) to the audience’s expectations for all the different genres that you’ll write here on out. By gaining a deeper and more critical reading awareness, you’ll be able to adopt/adapt writer’s choices (their writing) into your own writing.

