Friday, November 11, 2016


Z man now class yesterday was poppin!!!! We touched base on a lot of stuff and what you taught was how to put things into the right category of "Sciences". Truth be told that was what i needed because it works hand and hand with the whole "HOW CAN PEOPLE WRITE ABOUT THIS IN DIFFERENT WAYS"? well lets just say I'm no longer confused with that and now its helping me get through my wp1 and my pb2-B. In this class we have a journal writing everyday and i remember a few weeks back we had a journal about what textual genres that we've been familiar with as a student. my answer to that was about a job application and how your approach needs to be strong so that way the employer sees that he has a strong minded person for the position.

1 comment:

  1. Rios,

    I'm glad that it sounds like some ideas/concepts are starting to come together for you. The ideas we're working with a definitely "heady" and it can be tricky to think about writing AS WRITING (and not just information). Remember: we're basically just studying HOW and WHY people communicate in different ways, depending on WHO THEY ARE and what they're trying to ACCOMPLISH.

    Let me take this opportunity to pass along two quick thoughts: (1) Make sure that you use the "Template of Moves" handout for your PB2B and, if you choose to analyze moves for your upcoming paper, for WP2. It didn't seem like you referenced/used it at all. (2) I don't have your WP1.... you've got to get that to me ASAP. I don't, at all, want to freak you out, I just want to be super-clear: you can't pass this course without submitting WP1 and THEN re-submitting it after taking my feedback/comments into consideration.

