Friday, November 11, 2016


Annie Rios


English 101-108

Police Brutality & Hate for immigrants/ americans

My genre is on blogs and news articles on police brutality and hate for immigrants /americans. I have read up on two different situations that were both similar but there were many things that made them different. I have read on the Washington post about a case that involved African Americans “Blacks” and its series of mistreated situations. One case was about a mayor by the name of  Frank L.Rizzo he was the mayor in Philadelphia in 1977. During his term many people have been hurt, a lot of police officers have been fired and he was not at all upset about his wrong doings because to him he was right. Now that was in 1977 and now as we all may know we have a new president sad to say but yes its billionaire Donald Trump. Okay so now that's said lets talk about how people on was talking about how Trump is the new Rizzo i mean I'm not genius but i think they make a clear point and they are indeed right in my eyes.This election had some racism said " Rocco DiSipio " . both mean are known for their hate towards media and they both had said some harsh things . for example Rizzo said he promise to “make Attila the Hun look like a faggot,” and trump said to his fans that he'll bomb the shit out of ISIS. For some reason these two placed themselves above other politician and i don't understand why because trump doesn't even have a political background. these two have been so disrespectful to people and I'm guessing it was ok because of their Ethos everyone seem to just blind eye (Act as if nothing is happening) everything because of their titles. People believe they are just saying what everyone else fails to say because they are too afraid to speak their minds says Diane someone who backed Rizzo up back when he was the mayor in Philadelphia. today we have a lot of people who just voted for trump all because they were upset about a woman running the country and that is pathetic.
They were supporters of Alabama governor George Wallace, who ran for president on a platform that promised law and order, repeal of civil rights advancements, and a robust system of social insurance
says " he said that he was elected he was going to make Rizzo the director of the fBI. just hearing this is a tad bit disappointing but hey that was the worlds way of doing things the "RIGHT WAY" so I'm guessing that's how they did most of their unfair decision making. Well while continuing reading i seen some pretty good things about Rizzo when he was mayor in 1977 and how he really did protect civilians by placing police officers in every corner to make things safe for people to assure nothing that wasn't supposed to happen happen and for that many people were pleased with Rizzo.  well now its 2016 Today, crime is at record-low rates across much of the country. Nonetheless, Trump has tapped into the same sort of racially charged security fears that Rizzo ran on says "phillymag." Trump is getting people to see Mexican immigrants as “criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”  Trump vowed to build an enormous wall on America’s southern border and Rizzo’s own peace through strength proclamations: “The only other thing we can do now is buy tanks and start mounting machine guns.” they have the same interest in basically insulting and belittling people "minorities" because they don't have it the way they do. well back when rizzo was the mayor he got angry and he organized a special police squad to spy on his opponents, hired hundreds of new police officers, and once circled the Inquirer’s loading dock with angry supporters, blocking deliveries as well, well if you ask me he was a little "SPECIAL" . 
  i just believe that one person can dictate the next persons decisions all because someone looked up to someone or maybe because they share the same qualities. 


Z man now class yesterday was poppin!!!! We touched base on a lot of stuff and what you taught was how to put things into the right category of "Sciences". Truth be told that was what i needed because it works hand and hand with the whole "HOW CAN PEOPLE WRITE ABOUT THIS IN DIFFERENT WAYS"? well lets just say I'm no longer confused with that and now its helping me get through my wp1 and my pb2-B. In this class we have a journal writing everyday and i remember a few weeks back we had a journal about what textual genres that we've been familiar with as a student. my answer to that was about a job application and how your approach needs to be strong so that way the employer sees that he has a strong minded person for the position.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Whooo !! This class is a tough class Z man ! I still had a lot of confusion with the Genre thing and for real its still is but I'm slowly getting it together , well I think I did lol. But no seriously I've been trying to understand the class and its starting to get a little easier because now our focus isn't on genres ! I feel like you tried so many methods and still it was confusing but you didn't give up on me you still gave me time after class to try to help me out with what I needed. I have learned new vocabulary words that I now use in my personal texting and writing . I have learned about analyzing things that pertain to the objective instead of going into another subject then losing my words because it just doesn't match what I need to write . Over the month of time I have been learning new ways to write as well . I have been reading a lot more so then that way I can challenge myself with more than what I though I was capable of .  Like I said on the first thlog the nesting dolls really made search for things I needed to see and look for instead of writing all out of  what the topic was about.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Annie Rios


 Religion and Dance.                   

 Religion and Dance somewhat works hand and hand. Crazy, right?? Well what if I told you that not only me but many other people think that as well. I had done a little bit of reading on this website “” and they had so many supporting facts about what actual people go through when they are “Praising the Lord”. A lot of people feel like they connect better with God through their dancing because they say that it was God that gave them that amazing gift. A lot of people felt the Holy Spirit a “spiritual move” and that’s something religious people along with myself find to be a very beautiful thing. Now let me go back in history with dance. Dance had started in the 20Th century when US dancer Isadora Duncan (1878-19276) broke away from ballet and then developed her own sense of style with dancing. Duncan began to dance jazz, hip-hop, and rock and roll says “” Now I know most people would say they like to dance but why do they like to dance? Well According to” people not only dance because they think it’s fun but sometimes dancing can bring you inner peace and help you relax. Now commencing with the religion purpose to dance many people will say they dancing for their religious beliefs gives them a peace of mind knowing that throughout that whole piece that they have just performed was for the likings of God! People also dance because they see it as a way to show a happy and positive expression. Also in many cultures, they dance during the death and birth of a loved one, this is a normal way of them expressing their feelings through their moves! Not to mention human beings probably danced before there was a word for it. Then let’s go back to the religious part of dancing David who was one of God’s Disciples “Danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. (2 Samuel 6:14) this right here shows that dancing played a big part in not only religious folks but in people with no religious beliefs who just really love the art behind it.